We love Sundays!!! Today is extra special because it is snowing. I did a quick collage of the boys, dog, snow angel, my frozen roses, snow covered chair and our chocolate advent calenders...Yum!
We hit the hills for our FIRST day of sleding, what a BLAST we had! Wish I had brought my camera for that :D We were making paths through long grass, weeds and snow.
Mike surprised us and brought Fred over to the hill. Every time we slid down the hill Fred would chase us and then jump on top of us and ride the rest of the way down the hill. It was FUNNY We never laughed so hard...
On a sad note, our microwave died today. It was 16.5 yrs old! I told Mike he could buy me a new one for Christmas. He said he was listening to a program that said never to buy your girlfriend/wife new clothes(because they will think you are trying to change them) and then the program said never to buy your lady any cooking/small appliances. This will make the woman think she is expected to cook and do everything. Well, I have been married for 16.5 yrs and I know that I do everything-LOL. So, just keep me happy and buy the microwave :D(before I run out get one)...
PS That Susan Boyle CD is AMAZING!!!