Every year at this time we venture to the community of Bothwell. People from far and wide also venture to this small community! By 11 am the show had just over 1000 cars on display...my parents red 1964 Impala was one of them!
It turned out to be a really good day!!! Someone was interested in buying my dad's car, so he sold it! That is his hobby-buying and selling old cars!
I really enjoyed this bike display!!! The double bike really got my attention...I have always wanted a double bike to call my own!
Mike was dying to get one of these "Mr. Pickle"! I was just dying thinking about how gross Mr. Pickle looked!!! Picture this... a huge pickle(and I *HEART* pickles) on a skinny stick! Yuck-O
Just some sights around us...the crane was holding the speakers for music and announcements! The man sitting in the chair is my Uncle Lee, his car is the green one. The kids are pictured here and there...the box of ducks were from the people visiting us! I should have asked what he bought them for!? Whatever it was...he was pretty excited!
On our way out of the car show the boys dicovered this very cool tank! They had to go and visit it...they also wanted their pictures taken(they are not camera shy)lol
I did get some good shots! I have to go through all my pics from today! There are a few...I happened to have my camera in hand and I looked up! What a sky...
With BIG puffy clouds...
What a fun day with our family! PS the 50/50 draw was just over 17,000 dollars and change...AND, No...I did not win!( the 17,000 was the split-INSANE!)
One day it will be my turn...I hope I'm still around to collect it!
Great pictures!! Looks like a really wonderful day. Had to laugh at Mr. Pickle haha