During the summer months(June, July and August) London has an odd/even watering schedule. Today was our watering day-Yaaaay!!!
My 2 boys love to take turns watering the flower/vegetable gardens. Today we even had to put the sprinkler on the front yard.(Everything is getting sooooo dry)!
I took alot of fun pics...water images are just sooo cool(in my opinion). One pic is Craig holding the hose and the other pic is well, my Josh(watering himself)! I got ya...What a turkey. I guess it's hard work looking after our backyard...I have to agree with that guys:)
The plants are truly amazing...But, it does take some work to maintain. I want to thank all my men for helping me out! Even Fred, our dog takes part in the garden by doing some watering of the plants(Fred Style)!!!
Thanks, For following along. I truly love to read your comments. We love this blogging thing! Any pointers or comments are always welcome...
Happy Blogging Friends!
Amazing photos! Makes me want a glass of water...