Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
So, some of you know that for the last few weeks I have been selling my Alphabet Photography Art at the Western Fair Market. Well, this past Saturday they offered me a booth. I was over the moon-to say the least. Now, the fun begins I get to plan out how "my space" is going to look. This is just a quick collage of a few things my booth will include. I have "big" plans :) So, I have to confirm but I'm thinking I should be in my new location within the Western Fair Market in a couple of weeks-Sweet! 
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
It's been a while...

This is what I have been up to...creating more Christine's Creative Designs :) What was I thinking when I decided to work at the Farmer's Market all day Saturday??? All kidding aside, I really do enjoy it.
These little film strips are a fav of mine. I call them mini's. They are only $10 each. I'm sure they won't last. If you haven't come to visit me at the market, I would love to see you. Debra, that would be you my friend :)
Happy Weekend.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Ruff Monday
So, today is my mama's birthday! She is 60 today :)
Happy Birthday!
Today is also the first day back to school since March Break-yay! But, Josh
had the Back to School Blues. He cried a lot and was so sad.
Anyway, thanks to my mom's magic touch(on the phone) she some how
got Josh to get ready for school.
Fred was wanting to be on my blog, so here he is...
Hope everyone had a Happy Monday. Spring is finally here :)
PS Sorry for slacking
on my blog!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I'm just being LAZY!!!
Well sort of...Craig was helping me organize my photo's in folders.(he is good at that:)
Unlike his mama. We went through and deleted what we thought we could, but then I went to my blog and noticed a good part of it was missing. That made me a bit sad:(
For some funny reason, we forgot that if we delete our photo it will be taken out of my blog too!
Anyway, March Break was fun!!! Craig, myself and my mom are heading to the Farmers Market today. We are both Vendors and Buyers :) I feel really lucky to have such a great support within my family. They are always helping me in everyway possible! Thanks :)
Market is open 8-3, come for some good food and lots of great shopping!!!
Well sort of...Craig was helping me organize my photo's in folders.(he is good at that:)
Unlike his mama. We went through and deleted what we thought we could, but then I went to my blog and noticed a good part of it was missing. That made me a bit sad:(
For some funny reason, we forgot that if we delete our photo it will be taken out of my blog too!
Anyway, March Break was fun!!! Craig, myself and my mom are heading to the Farmers Market today. We are both Vendors and Buyers :) I feel really lucky to have such a great support within my family. They are always helping me in everyway possible! Thanks :)
Market is open 8-3, come for some good food and lots of great shopping!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Shopping Today :)
This very cute flower came from Dollarama. It is solar powered and when charged up she "dances". With all the sunshine today-I to was Dancing!!!
Love that extra hour tonight. Driving home at 7:30 pm and it's still light. Yay!
Feels like Spring...don't want to jinx myself.
I also scored the most epic(as my teenagers say) for everything I might add the coolest collage frame. Only $20 at LW. I love that place! Pics to follow tomorrow.
It was a bugger to get all the photos in... but, I did it-thanks Craig for your help too! It got tricky at times-lol
Josh found the game he has been wanting at Toys R Us and it was on sale(bonus)!!!
Craig bought himself the biggest Reese Peanut Butter bar ever...I want to say he ate it all by himself. The truth of the matter is he isn't like that, he shared with all of us. Yummy, that bar was :) Thanks again Craig-U da man!!!
It was a very nice relaxing afternoon(once I got that darn frame together). I work the rest of the week(just mornings)! I did really enjoy my special time with my boys today. I love when they are home.
You guys ROCK! Thanks for the fun day.
Love, MOM xo
BD Boy!
Josh celebrated with his friends this weekend! The celebration was Josh turning 12!
Wow, that means my baby is growing up...
The party included lots of boys and a sleepover with a friend. A good time was had by all. Check out that cake Josh had to have from the Superstore!!! We are still eating cake and today is now Monday-ugg!
Anyway, now were good for the boys birthdays until next Feb/March. Craig being in Gr. 9 next year, I'm sure things will be changing :)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
NEW Pieces
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I'm feeling Ready!
So, today is the day I get to go to our local market and "sell, sell, sell"!!! (and that I hope I do).
I have a nice selection of items including bookmarks, keychains, necklaces, alphabet art prints(23 different designs), clocks(2 different designs)and placemats. All items priced between $5-$40. All very unique gift ideas and very reasonable. The market runs from 8-3 every Saturday and is located at the Farmers Market-Western Fair, London, Ontario. So, if you get a chance come shop local and get yourself something homemade from upstairs. Lots of Unique gift ideas :) Don't forget to find me and say "hi".
Wish me luck...:)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Birthday Wishes
For my dear friend Debra! Tomorrow is her birthday. I will be thinking of her all day. She will have a great day and she will be very happy when her day is done. Then she will be off a week with her family for March Break. Enjoy~
When you can squeeze me in, I'm taking you out for lunch :)
Don't forget to come visit me one Saturday at the Farmers Market(Western Fair). I'm there weekly from 8-3.
Since I won't get to see you tomorrow here is a BIG Birthday ((Hug)) from me to you.
Luv Ya!

Don't forget to make a wish when blowing out your candles...
When you can squeeze me in, I'm taking you out for lunch :)
Don't forget to come visit me one Saturday at the Farmers Market(Western Fair). I'm there weekly from 8-3.
Since I won't get to see you tomorrow here is a BIG Birthday ((Hug)) from me to you.
Luv Ya!
Don't forget to make a wish when blowing out your candles...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Can U See It???
The smarties on the cake, aren't just smarties. They spell JOSH! Happy Birthday Josh, I can't believe your 12 today. Josh bought this little cake to school with him. He is in a very small class, 7 students and the teacher. I think he was right that 8 could have a small piece of cake and help him celebrate. That kid makes me laugh. He is really into having everyone sing Happy Birthday to him...so here I go,
Happy Birthday to you X2
Happy Birthday dear... Joshua!!!
Happy Birthday to you:)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
So today didn't go as planned...BUT, Better! Starting next Saturday I have my own table at the London's Farmers Market(Western Fair). I have been busy preparing for next weekend. I will have Key Rings, Placemats, Wall Clock(s), ID necklace chains, magnets and lots of my Alphabet Wall Art. All priced to go-very reasonable prices. Unique gift ideas for all ocassions. If your looking for something to do next Saturday head down to the market-open 8-3. Lots of great stuff at great prices. A fun place to go with the family. Don't forget to say "hi" to me if you are out and about.
Hope your all having a fabulous weekend!
Today... I'm going to be at the London Farmers Market(Western Fair). I get to bring my Alphabet Photography Art with me :)
My friends parents have a booth and they are allowing me to sell from their table(just to see what it is like)! I'm over the moon with excitement!!!! That's why it's only 4:55 AM and I posting like a Crazy Woman:) I have 10 pcs I'm bringing with me(very reasonable)priced from $20-$40. I hope I can sell them! I don't know how long I will be down at the market, but, my items get to stay for awhile! Some of my work that will be showcased at the market include... LOVE, HOME, FAMILY, HIS,HERS, DREAM, SISTER, MOM,MUSIC, and JOY! I was playing with the picture below and made it into a RETRO style tint(very cool). Have a wonderful weekend. Let me know if you are wanting to order anything christine231@rogers.com leave me a message.
My friends parents have a booth and they are allowing me to sell from their table(just to see what it is like)! I'm over the moon with excitement!!!! That's why it's only 4:55 AM and I posting like a Crazy Woman:) I have 10 pcs I'm bringing with me(very reasonable)priced from $20-$40. I hope I can sell them! I don't know how long I will be down at the market, but, my items get to stay for awhile! Some of my work that will be showcased at the market include... LOVE, HOME, FAMILY, HIS,HERS, DREAM, SISTER, MOM,MUSIC, and JOY! I was playing with the picture below and made it into a RETRO style tint(very cool). Have a wonderful weekend. Let me know if you are wanting to order anything christine231@rogers.com leave me a message.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Grad. Pics
Today is a Happy and Sad day for me. Craig got his Grad. pictures back. They took them back in January. It's all so real, he is really in Gr. 8 and this is it! Highschool here he comes in September. I remember my Grade 8 Grad like it was yesterday. I'm going to have to pull some pics and post them :) Craig would think that was funny.
Love Ya
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About Me

- christine
- I'm just a girl who loves life and living life each day as it comes. About me, I'm a creative girl who likes to share my work with the world. I have started my own part time business on the side. I do Alphabet Photography. Alphabet Photography is the process of taking pictures of everyday objects and then putting them together to form words. It's a very unique form of art. Also makes a very nice gift for everyone, will fit into any home decor. A timeless treasure to last a lifetime. I'm located in London, ON. My work is on display at the Western Fair Farmers Market every Saturday from 8-3. E-mail me at christine231@rogers.com for more information or to place an order.